Pilates instructor Lynsey Kerr sent me this question by PM on Facebook: Lately I have been wondering about whether Pilates was money orientated or not. With regards to how much he charged people to teach them his method? Or whether he found his richness in just being able to educate others about his method. I […]
Review of Mensendieck’s “Body Culture for Women”
Reviewed by Eva Rincke: Review of Mensendieck’s “Body Culture for Women” Title – Körperkultur des Weibes [Body Culture for Women] Author – Bess Mensendieck First published – by Bruckmann in 1906 221 pages (including 32 pages of pictures of exercises demonstrations) Available – vintage bookstores (sometimes you can find a copy on Amazon) [I couldn’t […]
Double Question about Joe’s Internment on the Isle of Man
Lali Diaz-McDonald has asked the following two questions about Joe’s work in the internment camp Knockaloe on the Isle of Man: a.)Would it have been possible for JP to “rig” beds with springs so that people could work on them? (Lali was wondering, if the camps had beds with springs considering they were interment camps […]
Was Joe Pilates influenced by Kneipp, Mensendieck and Steiner?
Marjolein von Sonsbeek has asked this wonderful question last week! I’ve been looking forward to answering it, because one of these people has definitely influenced Joseph Pilates a lot in my opinion: Bess Mensendieck! She was a very exciting woman! Dr. Bess Mensendieck (1864-1957) was a doctor. She developed a gymnastic method for women to […]
Did Joseph Pilates suffer from asthma as a child?
I have been asked this question many times since my biography of Joseph Pilates was published in September. People are asking about it at readings and workshops, via email and on Facebook. Where did they get this idea? It was Joseph Pilates himself who used to suggest that he had had health issues as a […]