An overview of why metabolic health is a cornerstone of a well-functioning body and its’ connection to exercise.
Go Fund Sunni
Dear readers, please read this article below and support my very dear friend Sunni and her husband Scott. They both need literally everything in their power to survive. It would be wonderful if you donate. Click on the Sunni’s Go Fund Me page. Would you be so kind to share this article! Thank you! Well my […]
Am I missing something?
We all know about the original Principles of Pilates : Centring, Control, Coordination, Breath, Flow, and Precision. A concept that was originally introduced in the 80’s by Philip Friedman and Gail Eisen, authors of The Pilates Method of Physical and Mental Conditioning. A more popular version of the six principles is removing co-ordination and adding […]
10 Top Tips When Working With Pregnant Women
Pilates and Exercise Instructors always have mixed feelings when working with pregnant women. It can be a love, hate, OMG she said what (!!) kind of situation. But working with pregnant women doesn’t have to a stress. It can be a very rewarding addition to your client base. Yummy Mummy Syndrome is pushing more mums […]
Let’s talk about…. Progression!
I’ve been teaching for nearly a decade, nearly 15,000 hours of hands on time with clients. Not all that long in comparison to many teachers, but long enough to have seen a few things both in my own studio and in others. As a teacher trainer, It is incredibly important to instil in new teachers the […]
Blog on Joseph Pilates from Eva Rincke
Eva Rincke has a beautiful blog on Joseph Pilates In this blog, I am giving an account of my research for the biography of Joseph Pilates and I’m sharing new insights into the life of this complex person. I’m telling you about the amazing people who inspired him and about those who continued his work. […]
Pilates: What Is It And Why Bother?
Anula Maiberg is our new blogger. This is her first blog on Pilatesglossy. We are very proud to “have” her in our team. Here she shares her views on Pilates;What Is It And Why Bother? Some of the most frequently asked questions Pilates instructors get to answer include: “Pilates is like Yoga with crunches, right?” “Pilates […]
A little update | Pilates Art
Source: A little update | Pilates Art
Joe Pilates and boxing | Joseph Pilates
Blog from Eva Rincke Boxing and Pilates actually seem to fit very well! Source: Joe Pilates and boxing | Joseph Pilates
It’s a wonderful feeling to update your Pilates studio making it fresh and alive. I recently went through this exercise and have taken a sigh of relief that the end is almost in sight! I say almost because despite having installed my final piece of Pilates equipment, I went that extra mile to expand my space […]