An overview of why metabolic health is a cornerstone of a well-functioning body and its’ connection to exercise.
Why Classical Pilates Still Matters
Over a decade after the word Pilates was deemed to be generic by the US courts, the divide between factions in our Pilates community is still very wide and very real. Regardless of how and where you were trained, or what brand of Pilates you teach, Classical Pilates is still important and still very much […]
Book review:”Born To Walk by James Earls”
Born To Walk by James Earls Reviewed by Lee Artur Paperback First published in 2014 Lotus Publishing and North Atlantic Books The forward of this book was written by Thomas Meyers of Anatomy Trains fame. The author, James Earls is a myofascial bodyworker, lecturer and writer who partnered with Tom Meyers in founding Kinesis UK, […]
Your Already Perfect Pilates Body
I’ve been teaching fitness, Pilates and all types of movement for over 30 years. When I’m out and about and someone asks me what I do for work I always hesitate to answer truthfully with “I teach fitness.” I usually say that I’m a “consultant” (which is true!) and inevitably they ask what kind of […]