Source: What Pilatespocalypse? Pilates Is Going Strong! – Lynda Lippin What Pilatespocalypse? Pilates Is Going Strong! I was perplexed when I read Annie Lowrey’s article in New York magazine last week, The Pilatespocalypse: How the Method That Started the Boutique-Fitness Trend Is Going Bust. After all, I have a waiting list; Real Pilates is crazy […]
Lost Posture: Why Some Indigenous Cultures May Not Have Back Pain.
There are a few populations in the world where back pain hardly exists. One woman thinks she has figured out why, and she’s sharing their secrets. Have Americans forgotten how to stand properly? Source: Lost Posture: Why Some Indigenous Cultures May Not Have Back Pain : Goats and Soda : NPR
Give up dairy products to beat cancer.
A leading scientist, who has been fighting breast cancer since 1987, says the disease is overwhelmingly linked to animal products Source: ‘Give up dairy products to beat cancer’