Miranda’s dog playing in the snow
Here in Holland snow is not really snow….it is a very small layer of only 1 or 2 cm snow if you are ‘’lucky’’ and the snow usually turns to ice so it gets really slippery. I am walking with walking sticks on a normal day, so these ‘’snowy’’ days mean I need to look for solutions. I used to lock myself in the house when my boy was still a baby, but I cannot do that anymore, my boy has to go to school. I need to go outside myself, what if I need to go to a job interview….Solutions should be found. Steps in the snow! So I tie ‘’spikes’’ around my shoes for more grip in the snow/ice and fortunately there are some really nice people that help me. My son’s school teachers bring Sander to my car when school is out, so I can wait for him and don’t need to walk across the schoolyard. Really appreciate this help! And then off to Marjolein!
My legs ‘get back to reality’
During the training at Marjolein’s studio this week, I noticed my legs were a little stressed because of the weather. As always, we started with exercises on the Reformer, then my legs ‘get back to reality’. After the ‘’running’’ where I feel my calves burning, I realized I changed my way of walking. Funny, Pilates makes my brain clear, I did not even realized it when I walked outside.
I used to ‘swing’ my leg up with my hip and was walking more on the outside of my feet. It is a bit difficult to understand when you are walking normal, but thanks to Pilates I am now more comfortable letting my weight drop to my feet, so I make a more normal rolling step with my feet. In my mind I feel Marjolein touching my big toe, ‘’here is where your attention needs to be!’’, just like on the Reformer!
My legs were all ‘’tinkly’’
This week we also tried the Leg Springs; the heavy ones! Wow! A lot to think of at the same time. Keeping strength on the arms /hands, keeping the legs heavy to keep the Leg Springs in place. Really a difficult exercise. At home, my legs were all ‘’tinkly’’, I could feel EVERY little muscle in my legs. GREAT! It means they are still there, my muscles, and they still want to learn!
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